Be the troop leader that supports her every week—the one that watches her smile get bigger as she grows more confident. Mentor a Girl Scout Cookie Professional during cookie season so she can earn enough to reach the goals she and her troop set. Or work with other adults to provide the kind of behind-the-scenes support that makes it possible for her to make amazing new memories at Girl Scouts.
Troop Leader/Co-Leader
Work with a group of girls and mentor them as they make new friends and develop connections that will last a lifetime.
Troop Family and Friends
Assist with driving, activity planning, snacks, money management, or other tasks necessary to keep the troop running oh-so-smoothly from week to week.
Cookie Volunteers
Coordinate the annual cookie sale at the troop level. Set up cookie booths, manage inventory and money, and then watch the girls light up when they earn the rewards for being the best cookie sellers ever!
Mags&Munchies Volunteers
Coordinate the annual Mags&Munchies sale at the troop level. Manage orders and money and then watch the shine as they earn the rewards for being the Entrepreneurs ever!
Service Unit Volunteers
Mentor adult volunteers as they work with Girl Scouts to create memories they will never forget.
Camp/Seasonal Volunteers
Help the girls explore nature and find the fun outdoors.
Program/Event Volunteers
Have fun by helping at our Council Programs and Events.
Robotic Coach or Mentor
Guide girls through the challenges of the FIRST robotics program and celebrate their success in their STEM journey. You do not need any previous STEM skills or knowledge, but be willing to acquire some basic knowledge of the programming environment and LEGO robot building.
Gold Award Mentor
Mentor Girl Scouts aged 15-18 as they aspire to become a Gold Award Girl Scout. Gold Award Mentors positively influence and provide direction for the young women as they tackle issues within their community and strive to improve the lives of others. To volunteer as a Gold Award Mentor, please email customercare@gsnc.org with “Interest in Gold Award Committee” in the subject line.