Our CEO, Randell M. Bynum, said it best – “Building the next generation of girls is really important” and while we strive to serve girls in a way that matters most to them, we still have work to do. Expanding our partnerships, growing our membership, meeting girls where they are – our work has just started, and we need your continued support to ensure we are with these Girl Scouts every step of the way.
At this year’s Raise a Glass to GSNC Fall fundraiser, friends of Girl Scouts will come together for a night of food and wine to support Girl Scouts and ensure a girl-led future.
Raise a Glass to GSNC Fall Fundraiser
Thursday, November 21, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Inn at New Hyde Park - Tuscany Room
All proceeds from this event will allow us to offer transformative experiences, inspiring girls to make a positive difference in the world and shine.
Because of your generosity and support, more girls in Nassau County will have an opportunity to shine.
We will be proudly honoring three recipients with our inaugural 2024 GSNC Community Champion Award for their outstanding support and dedication.
Allison Bishop White—SVP, Head of Early Dispute Resolution at LPL Financial
Michael Halperin—Chief Operating Officer at Solarus Technologies
Connoisseur Media LLC
Please contact Dianne Auci at funddevelopment@gsnc.org or at 516-741-2550 to find out more about the event and to reserve your sponsorship.